Wednesday, August 29, 2018

CALL TO ACTION: Speak Out Against the Togo Wolf Shooting

On August 23rd, after a court order had been obtained preventing the killing of a member of the Togo wolf pack, a rancher, using GPS data from the collared male in the pack, went to the rendezvous point  where wolves keep their pups. The rancher saw the male wolf and his pups. When the male wolf barked at the rancher, the rancher shot the wolf - alleging "self defense." The wolf know has a broken leg and will have difficulty living, much less providing for his pups as one of only two adults in the pack.

We need to demand an a full investigation. Please write to Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), Director Kelly Susewind at this email address and demand the following:

1) A full investigation by law enforcement into the rancher's actions

2) A full investigation by law enforcement into WDFW's communications with the rancher. Did they fail to tell the rancher to stay away from the rendezvous site? Did they instruct him as to typical wolf behavior if approached at a rendezvous site or den? The public needs to know what WDFW did and did not tell the rancher.


  1. Intolerable! None of it makes sense.

  2. Charge the rancher and throw him in jail for a good long time. He is a lying, worthless, free loading waste of flesh. Keep the cattle of public land. Have the judge removed from the bench and get some biologists and environmental scientists to make decisoons, not greedy ranchers who think public land is their private property. This is a travesty beyond words.
