Monday, June 12, 2017

TWEET SHEET: Ask AGs to Save Our National Monuments

Thank you .@AGOWA for pledging legal action to defend Hanford Reach National Monument. #MonumentsForAll

.@pweiser Pls join Calif AG, vow to take legal action necessary to protect Canyons of Ancients. #MonumentsForAll

.@NewMexicoOAG Will u use all legal means necessary to defend Organ-Mountains-Desert Peaks & Rio Grand del Norte?

.@GeneralBrnovich Pls protect Arizona's 4 National Monuments at risk. Important ecologically, to tourism industry

.@timcfox Missouri River Breaks NM has potential to be huge tourism draw, big benefit to Great Falls! Protect it!

.@utahag Utahns overwhelmingly support state's national monuments, want lands protected. Pls protect them.

.@MassAGO Will you vow to take all legal action necessary to defend Northeast Canyons & Seamounts Monument?

1 comment:

  1. Stop invading our public lands for profits stop immediately. We the public have made it CLEAR AND PRESENT this isn't what we want. Only the greedy want it to be more greedy and destroy our Waters and land for future generations to come.
